Java Library Path

Java.library.path is a System property, which is used by Java programming language, mostly JVM, to search native libraries, required by a project. Similar to PATH and Classpath environment variable, java.library.path also includes a list of directory. Jun 09, 2001 First, in the current directory of the process. Second, in the path directories. Java.library.path probably tells java where to look for class libraries, not DLLs. You should either put your dll in the current directory of your running JVM, or put it in some directory of your path.

  1. Java Library Path In Jar
  2. Java Library Path Command Line
  3. Java Library Path Windows
  4. Java Library Path Add
  1. In UNIX systems, you can append to the LDLIBRARYPATH environment variable. On Windows, the JVM automatically sets the system property, java.library.path, to PATH; so if the dll is on your PATH, then you're set.
  2. Aug 17, 2004 Well you a printing out the same java.library.path variable twice, due to u using the path (String) variable to print out twice and, not setting the variable to the new java.library.path, that u have just set. PROBLEM WITH LIBRARYLOADER: try placing the explicit filename of the library in you OS classpath.
  3. Jan 25, 2021 no ocijdbc21 in java.library.path. Can someone please suggest a connect solution by viewing the verbose inline output below./sql -verbose -noupdates /nolog.
posted 15 years ago
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Hey... I get the error message...
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: nativeLoadProlog
at Int386w.nativeLoadProlog(Native Method)
at Int386w.loadProlog(
at FlexIS.loadFlex(
at FlexEG.<init>(
at FlexEG.main(
How do you set a library path in java??
Ranch Hand
posted 15 years ago
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You don't set it in java, but in the OS.
On linux:
author and iconoclast
posted 15 years ago
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That's one way -- works on UNIX variants only. You can also put the libraries on the PATH (works for Windows only). Or you can do things the portable way, and use the special system property for this: it's java.library.path, as in
java -Djava.library.path=c:wherever Foo
Now, 'Kesh', you need to check out our policy on display names, and adjust your accordingly by visiting this page. Thank you kindly!
posted 15 years ago
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Hi... Thanks for your help.. I'm trying to connect flex (expert system shell) with java..
Even though i set the library path it still doesn't seem to work..........
Can u suggest any other way?? why do i keep on getting the same error??
Ranch Hand
posted 15 years ago
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The java.library.path thing does work fine, as does LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Unix-like platforms. If your program isn't working, then you need to look carefully at what files are where etc. and to read the JNI documentation carefully.
There are other ways to connect Java native methods to their underlying native implementations. Your native code can load the library itself explicitly, using platform-specific code (e.g. LoadLibrary() on Windows). It can then use the JNI RegisterNatives() function to link functions in the library to Java native methods. This also frees you from naming the native functions according to the rather long-winded JNI function names.

Betty Rubble? Well, I would go with Betty... but I'd be thinking of Wilma.

Ranch Hand
posted 15 years ago
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Originally posted by Ernest Friedman-Hill:
Or you can do things the portable way, and use the special system property for this: it's java.library.path, as in
java -Djava.library.path=c:wherever Foo

c: - very portable, indeed.
posted 15 years ago
  • Optional 'thank-you' note:
Hey... I get the error message...
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: nativeLoadProlog
at Int386w.nativeLoadProlog(Native Method)
at Int386w.loadProlog(
at FlexIS.loadFlex(
at FlexEG.<init>(
at FlexEG.main(
How do you set a library path in java??
Ranch Hand
posted 15 years ago
  • Optional 'thank-you' note:
You don't set it in java, but in the OS.
On linux:
author and iconoclast
posted 15 years ago

Java Library Path In Jar

  • Optional 'thank-you' note:
That's one way -- works on UNIX variants only. You can also put the libraries on the PATH (works for Windows only). Or you can do things the portable way, and use the special system property for this: it's java.library.path, as in
java -Djava.library.path=c:wherever Foo
Now, 'Kesh', you need to check out our policy on display names, and adjust your accordingly by visiting this page. Thank you kindly!

Java Library Path Command Line

posted 15 years ago
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Hi... Thanks for your help.. I'm trying to connect flex (expert system shell) with java..
Even though i set the library path it still doesn't seem to work..........
Can u suggest any other way?? why do i keep on getting the same error??
Ranch Hand
posted 15 years ago
  • Optional 'thank-you' note:
The java.library.path thing does work fine, as does LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Unix-like platforms. If your program isn't working, then you need to look carefully at what files are where etc. and to read the JNI documentation carefully.
There are other ways to connect Java native methods to their underlying native implementations. Your native code can load the library itself explicitly, using platform-specific code (e.g. LoadLibrary() on Windows). It can then use the JNI RegisterNatives() function to link functions in the library to Java native methods. This also frees you from naming the native functions according to the rather long-winded JNI function names.

Betty Rubble? Well, I would go with Betty... but I'd be thinking of Wilma.

Java Library Path Windows

Ranch Hand
posted 15 years ago
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Originally posted by Ernest Friedman-Hill:
Or you can do things the portable way, and use the special system property for this: it's java.library.path, as in
java -Djava.library.path=c:wherever Foo

Java Library Path Add

c: - very portable, indeed.